Recently friend of mine who is not at all familiar with cameras and photography requested me to suggest a good dSLR for him. He presumed that I am an expert in cameras/photography. :-). Upon further probing what I understood was he just needs a simple P&S camera for his requirements. His budget was up to decent 5 digit Indian rupees. Some people do not like my suggestions, when I tell, why to buy a expensive camera and just shoot in AUTO mode. Just like now a days mobile phones' features; they are so many to list out which mostly for marketing and competition. At the end very few users use more than 60% of features; The rest of the crowd are limited to just using basic features viz. phone call, send SMS, browse net, check time and occasionally take some pictures and set alarm clock.
There might be numerous good camera models in different brands/budgets. But this mail was sent to him considering his level of expertise and my opinion.
This was written on May 2014. Information may not be up-to-date when you read this blog article.
There might be numerous good camera models in different brands/budgets. But this mail was sent to him considering his level of expertise and my opinion.
This was written on May 2014. Information may not be up-to-date when you read this blog article.
Greetings friend,
It was nice talking to you. There has been a gap with my knowledge on recent cameras in the market, so it took little bit time to do the research. I know you asked a simple question (which camera?), but being a hobbyist, I go deep in the subject :-))))
Generic points, which you need to pay attention / understand while looking for cameras.
- "More megapixels means more quality". It is wrong impression that is being marketed. There are wonderful cameras with lower megapixels. So do not get sold for high megapixels.
- Look for Image stabilization or steady shot words. It helps to take stable shots without blur due to hand movement.
- Wide angle - Look for better wide angle minimum 24 or 28mm in 35mm format. When you are trying to take group pictures or smaller rooms, it will cover more area/people.
- Nikons are good in dSLR segment, do not go for nikon P&S.
- No Samsung, Olympus brands etc.
I have categorized various levels and their explanation and suggested models. Your call to pick what you want, I would suggest C,D,E categories as they are compact and easy to carry.
Category E - Consumer oriented point & shoot camera for regular use.
- Canon Powershot A3500 IS
- Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830
Category D - Good quality P&S. Next level to entry level models and slightly more price than Category E.
- Canon PowerShot S120
- Sony DSC-WX350 (high zoom)
Category C - High quality compacts. Long term usage/holding, Personal property (you may not want to lend or give it somebody just like that)
- Canon Powershot G1 X Mark II
- Sony DSC-RX100
- Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ30
Category B - Kind of dSLR size with single lens that can't be detached; High zoom; All-in-one model; Has settings of dSLR level; not compact for to carry in pockets/small bags.
- Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200
- Canon SX500 IS
- Sony cyber shot DSC HX300
Category A - Entry level dSLR; For hobby learners, long term photography learning curve. Other than kit lens, you need to buy more lenses as you learn (not recommended for you at this time)
- Canon EOS 1200D
- Nikon D3300
If you want to see the sample pictures and actual photo of a camera model, go to site. Click on brand and model, you will see the required details.
If you have any camera model in mind, please let me know the model number via email, I will do additional research (need at least 1 day :-)) and give my feedback.
I hope I did not give too much information for you. If you are too confused, think like this. Category E is like Micromax/karbon mobile stuff. Category D is Nokia/Samsung and Category C is like iphone in P&S segment (in terms of price and quality).
Good luck with your purchase and let me know what you bought finally.
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